Law Firm

with Spanish, Russian and English languages

Avvocato Lucas Maria Carlodalatri

Lucas Maria Carlodalatri follows various and complex civil, criminal and international judicial cases with specific legal skills in Italy, Spain, South America and the Russian-speaking world (all the countries of the former Soviet Union).

Today, this experience is offered to those who wish to see commercial obligations fulfilled (debt collection, including international ones, development of contracts, corporate affairs) or to have their reasons recognized in disputes concerning family status (citizenship, minors, food decisions).

In the criminal field, he has effectively defended clients from charges of smuggling, computer crimes,  smuggling, drugs,  harassment even in the family  and complex extradition cases.

He collaborates with established law firms also abroad (Madrid, Lausanne, Zug, Kiev, Baku, Buenos Aires, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Yerevan and Astana) and has the privilege of being able to consult with colleagues of the highest level professional.
If you wish to receive advice in this regard, you can request it using the contacts indicated.

Lucas Maria Carlodalatri was born in 1971 in Rome into a family of diplomats and the first years of his life lived in Argentina, Italy and Cyprus.
In 1984, with his family, he settled permanently in Rome where, in 1999, he obtained a law degree at the University “La Sapienza” discussing a thesis in criminal law “The discipline of the criminal law of gambling” Chair Professor Frank Coppi.
The lawyer Carlodalatri began studying the Russian language in 1996, this because he was intrigued by his distant Russian origins, then deepening his studies at the University of Philology of St. Petersburg.
Since 2011 he has been practicing as a Lawyer and Consultant in his own offices.

Off Consuel

Avv. Isabella Salerno

Avv. Isabella Salerno

Lawyer Isabella Salerno, graduated in Rome, at the University “La Sapienza” with a thesis on civil procedural law, supervisor Professor Punzi.
Until 1996 you carried out your legal practice at the Lawyer Mario Epifani, with particular attention to the activities of administrative and civil law.

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In 1999 she opened his own law firm in Rome specializing in Civil, Administrative and Banking Law (with particular attention to the very topical issue of debt repayments).

Avv. Walter De Agostino

Avv. Walter De Agostino

Lawyer Walter De Agostino, graduated in Rome at the University of Tor Vergata, with a thesis on international law, supervisor Professor Umberto Leanza. Until 1996 he carried out his forensic practice with the lawyer Gustavo Bizzocchi, one of the leading experts in the execution of the sentences of…

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…condanna con cui ha collaborato in complesse difese relative a reati legati alla criminalità organizzata (per esempio, il processo della “Banda della Magliana”).
Nel 1997 apre il suo studio legale a Roma come penalista.
Lui e l’Avvocato Lucas Maria Carlodalatri dato l’interesse generale nel diritto penale internazionale, collaborano in casi di estradizione o di mandato d’arresto europeo (MAE).
Dal 2009, è diventato un avvocato Cassazionista.
Negli ultimi anni, ha prestato particolare attenzione alla tutela e salvaguardia dei diritti dell’uomo e delle libertà fondamentali, in particolare nelle carceri.


Satisfied customers


In all the courts of Italy


Years of legal experience active in Italy, Russian-speaking countries, Spain and South America

car crash

 +  1.165.000 €

compensation for road accident damage


Civil Law

Civil Law

Assistance, support and protection in civil proceedings in Italy for  persons.Assistance, support and protection in civil proceedings in Italy for legal entities.Ordinary, urgent conclusions (reviews), brief reviews, voluntary jurisdiction, lawsuits for falsification,...

Criminal Law

Criminal Law

Advice and defense in criminal proceedings in Italy for persons and legal entities.Complaint, arrest and acquittal, seizure and confiscation, smuggling, human trafficking, drug trafficking, computer crimes, cryptocurrencies and defense of crime victims, including for...

Extraditions to Italy and from Italy abroad

Extraditions to Italy and from Italy abroad

Lawyers Lucas Maria Carlodalatri and Walter De Agostino offer their experience in the defense of persons subject to passive extradition (for example, a person is in Italy and should be extradited abroad) or active (for example, a person is abroad and should be...

Compensation for fatal accident damages

Il Tribunale di Roma con Sentenza n. 1394/2023 pubbl. il 27/01/2023 ha statuito il diritto al risarcimento da parte del nipote ex sorere, maggiorenne, extracomunitario per il decesso dello zio in incidente stradale catastrofale in presenza di solide prove sul rapporto...


The Court of Appeal of Florence with sentence no. 238 of 2023 established that the driver of the truck on which the contraband material was transported, a mere executor of company orders, is not punishable in the absence of proof regarding his awareness of the...

Extraditin in Kazakistan – statute of limitations for the crime

The Court of Appeal of Florence with an order of 23 August 2022 reiterated that by virtue of the 2019 judicial cooperation agreement between Italy and Kazakhstan, the parties must refuse extradition if for the crime, under the law in force in one of the two countries,...

The crime of reduction or maintenance in slavery or servitude

The High (Cassation)  Criminal Court  has interpreted Article 630 of the Criminal Code (with sentence n. 37638/2014), stating that the said offense takes the form of those activities to which the offended person is forced through violence, threat, deception, abuse of...

Extradition and prison overcrowding

No to extradition if the situation in prisons in the requesting country is contrary to the international standards established in the Torreggiani and others v. Italy sentence rendered by the European Court of Human Rights on 8 January 2013. For the High Criminal Court...

Refusal to recognize foreign arbitration award in case of violation of the right of defense

In the event that the defendant's default has been declared in the absence of notification of the summons, the arbitration award will not be recognized in Italy (C.d.A. Florence, section 1, 30 May 2006)

In how much time, the debt becomes ‘prescribed’?

The "prescribtion" period is set according to the type of credit and in general, except in cases where the law provides otherwise, the credit is prescribed in 10 years (art. 2946 c.c.).